Quality BP High-efficiency photovoltaic module using silicon nitride multicrystalline silicon cells.
Quality from a manufacturer you trust. Great for Boats, Caravans, Camper Trailers, 4wd and more!
Comes with easy to use Junction Box for easy instalation. Freight cost is approximate and may be more or less - insurance is recommended. Paypal is not accepted for this item.Contact Us for further discount on 10 or more units purchased together.
SX 310
Rated power: 10W
Typical applications: These modules use standard polycrystalline cells and charge batteries in virtually any climate. This makes them ideal for commercial applications including remote telemetry, instrumentation, sensors, and signals.
Configuration: SX 310M - Multimount frame with lo-pro junction box and output cables
SX 310J - Clear universal frame and robust junction
Nominal voltage: 12V
Cell technology: Polycrystalline
Dimensions: SX 310M ñ 421 x 269 x 23mm
SX 310J ñ 425 x 273 x 50mm
Weight: SX 310M ñ 1.5kg
SX310J ñ 1.9kg
Glass type: High transmission 3mm tempered glass.
Frame type: SX 310M ñ Clear anodised aluminium alloy type 6063T6 multimount frame.
SX 310J ñ Clear anodised aluminium alloy type 6063T6 universal frame.
Colour: silver.
The SX 310 is a 10W module that uses standard polycrystalline cells and
charges batteries efficiently in any climate. It has been especially designed
for use in off grid applications such as telecommunications, telemetry,
instrumentation systems and signals. BP Solarís SX range of solar modules
offer cost effective power for small or moderate energy requirements, with
a wide range of module power and size options available for stand alone
Rated power 10W
Nominal voltage 12V
Warranty 90% power output over 12 years.
Free from defects in materials and workmanship for 2 years.
SX 310J Clear universal frame and robust junction box.
SX 310M Multimount frame with lo-pro junction box and output cables.
Qualification test parameters
Temperature cycling range -40∫C to +85∫C for 200 cycles
Damp heat test 85∫C and 85% relative humidity for 1000h
Front & rear static load test (eg: wind) 2400 Pa
Front load test (eg: snow) 5400 Pa
Hailstone impact test 25mm hail at 23m/s from 1m distance
Quality and safety
ï Manufactured in ISO 9001 and ISO 14003 certified factories
ï Conforms to European Community Directive
89/33/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC
ï Certified to IEC 61215
Module power measurements calibrated to World Radiometric Reference through ESTI
(European Solar Test Installation at Ispra, Italy)
Framed modules listed by Underwriterís Laboratories for electrical and fire safety
(Class C fire rating)
Approved by Factory Mutual Research in NEC Class 1, Division 2, Groups C & D
hazardous locations
SX 310 I-V Curves
SX 310
Your BP Solar representative:
Typical electrical characteristics SX 310
Maximum power (Pmax) 10W
Warranted minimum power 9W
Voltage at Pmax (Vmp) 16.8V
Current at Pmax (Imp) 0.59A
Short circuit current (Isc) 0.69A
Open circuit voltage (Voc) 21.0V
Temperature coefficient of Isc (0.065±0.015)%/∫C
Temperature coefficient of Voc -(80±10)mV/∫C
Temperature coefficient of Pmax -(0.5±0.05)%/∫C
NOCT (Air 20∫C; Sun 0.8kW/m2; wind speed 1m/s) 47±2∫C
Maximum series fuse rating 1A
Maximum system voltage 50V (IEC 61215 rating)
Mechanical characteristics SX 310J SX 310M
Dimensions (mm) 425 x 273 x 50 421 x 269 x 23
(Overall tolerances +/-3mm)
Weight (kg) 1.9 1.5
Frame Clear anodised aluminium Clear anodised aluminium
alloy type 6063T6. alloy type 6063T6.
Silver universal frame. Silver multimount frame.
Solar cells 36 cells (57mm x 38 mm) configured geometrically for a 4 x 9
matrix connected in series.
Junction box (SX 310J) IP54 junction box with 6 terminal screw connection block, accepts
PG 13.5, 13mm conduit or cable fitting. Terminal accepts up to
6mm2 (10 AWG) wire.
Output cables (SX 310M) RHW AWG# 18 (0.75mm2) 2 core PLTC cable. Lengths 457mm
(ì-ì black) and 457mm (ì+î red).
Construction Front: High-transmission 3mm tempered glass.
Rear: White polyester; encapsulant: EVA. Standard test conditions - irradiance of 1000W/m2 at an AM1.5G solar spectrum and a temperature of 25∞C.