One of the Best RAPS Inverters in the World! This is one amazing Inverter that really does have all the features & reliability you need. Be sure to read the Brochure & Manuals (PDFs below) to get all the details folks - no way it will all fit here! 24 Volt, 3000 Watt + 15KVA Generator output, 91%, Built-in Charger & More! OK here you have it - total remote dependance! You're drilling in the shed - the wife's doing the washing & the kettles on...then your son decides to arc up the welder - Zap! Not with the PS1. Quickly, quietly & effectively the PS1 detects the load, starts the generator & you don't even notice! This unit is a genuine No-Break unit - the power it delivers is constant & designed for the rugged & harsh climate & conditions of the Australian Outback. See Below for all specs - Very high power ratings for real household / farm / business use Rated at working temperatures not in non-existant lab conditions Built in High Amp Battery Charger Automated Data Logging & Programmable everything! Rated power is HUGE when used in connection with a generator (ie 5Kw Plus 10Kw = 15KW total!) Right Click & open this picture in a new window or save it to view properly!
4 line back lit LCD, much easier to read.
Completely new menu structure makes programming much faster.
Significantly improved electronics for greater reliability.
New ?State of Charge? reading replaces ?discharge Ah?, for simpler understanding
New aggressive software makes generator synchronising much faster and reliable.
Selectable Generator type or custom settings improves generator stability
Auto control of generator further enhanced with ?time of day? control.
Auto control of generator will provide emergency power if inverter is out of service
No power disturbances during starting and stopping of generator
View up to 32 daily events directly on the LCD without modem or PC.
Enhanced user adjustability
Individual display of internal and external shunt current & display of Nett battery current
Sums generator and inverter outputs together if required for peak load.
Vastly improved LED layout allows quick glance status check
Programmable Load Search & reduced low load losses.
Greatly improved documentation
Much simpler installation and easier field PCB replacement
Physically smaller than previous RAPS unit.
? Science & education projects
3000Watt Continuous @ 25∫C
4000Watt for 5 minutes @25∫C
Interactive = 3000watt+ Generator output
Manual | Technical | Brochure |