Why are we here?
The reason we humans are here, (on earth) for God's pleasure. That's, right, we were Created for God's pleasure. He owns us whether we like it or not. And although this may sound strange to you (it may even sound down-right stupid!), the fact is that if you live outside this main purpose that we were designed for, we start to have huge problems.
These problems highlight the fact that something is seriously wrong. But they also highlight something far more sinister:
The Creator is going to judge each human against the rules He set for them - and the punishment lasts forever!
His rules were simple, and they were good for us, but we often don't care & just go ahead and break them anyway. You have probably heard of at least some of them:
Do not murder. Most of us have heard of that one. The 'biggie'! But Jesu that if you have hated someone, you are guilty of murder! Ouch.
Do not lie. We know we shouln't but always seems to have a 'good reason'. The problem is, if we have even told one lie, we are classed as liars in God's eyes. Have you ever lied? If so, you are a liar!
What about stealing? You may not have not committed open or regular theft, but the value of something isn't what determines your guilt. Are you a thief? What about lust? Looking at someone you are not married to & wanting them sexually. Or indulging. Our culture pretty much tempts you to do this with everyday adverts. Pornography, Sex outside of marriage - all of it leaves us as adulterers in the Creators sight. He juts *hates* sin. Using God's name in vain, blaspheming, dishonouring our parents there are a few more too.
They highlight that we have not loved or served our Creator the way we should have. And the punishment, hell, will fit the crime.
Does that worry you? It should. It's not something that you can guarantee you will have a chance to address again..*please* think about this!
All of us have wandered away from the Creator & His ways. And we ill pay the price - but that brake His heart.
In fact He loves us (you included) so much, that He sent His only Son to earth to pay your fine and mine. He lived a perfect life without sinning then willing accepted our punishment: torture & death at the and of the Romans on a cross. This purchased freedom for all but we must accept it for it to benefit us.
To accept what Jesus has done for us - we need to let go of our way of life, our religion, our sin and trust what He did for us.
Turn away from sin and trust Jesus. Our prayer is that you will feel convicted about your sin as you read this and follow the One who came to save you.
If any of this is news to you, and especially if you felt convicted, we *urge* you to contact us & have a chat via email or phone. We will try to help.Oh, and why we are here at BonzaBuy! ? To help people discover The Truth and supply quality products that help people get back to life the way it was intended.
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