The meter will display a great deal of information about the TriStar
controller and the operation of your system. In addition, the meter
enables manual functions and controller diagnostics. These capabilities
will increase your confidence that the system is working
properly and will help you to improve system reliability, battery
life, and system performance. It is worth the time getting to know
your meter!
Optional meter displays extensive system and controller information, automatic self-test and reset capabilities. Meter connection via RJ-11 phone jack.
The meter will display a great deal of information about the TriStar controller and the operation of your system. In addition, the meter enables manual functions and controller diagnostics. These capabilities will increase your confidence that the system is working properly and will help you to improve system reliability, battery life, and system performance. It is worth the time getting to know your meter!
It is easy to move around the various display areas and to scroll up or down, and left or right using the four pushbuttons, as shown below.
There is a limit of two meters that can be used with a single TriStar controller. Both can be remote, or one local and one remote. Only one meter is able to have backlighting at any given time.
There are over 30 display screens that can selected with the four pushbuttons. These displays are organized into four functional groups to make it easy to access the display you need. Refer to the charts in Section 3.2 that show the complete set of meter displays.